From 2022-2024 I attended and competed in the STN conference and challenges in Long Beach. The photos below and to the right shows the attending group from Dos Pueblos in 2024.
While I attended every convention for the Long Beach trilogy, I competed very different competitions each time. Freshman year, 2022, I entered into the Music Video competition. 8 hours to film and edit a music video to the given song. My sophomore year, 2023, I competed in the Nat Package category, with 3 hours to film and 3 hours to edit a package that only used interviews and nat sound to the prompt of “the workers commute”. My junior year, 2024, I competed in the convention promo category. With just under 2 days to film and edit a promo for the STN convention with the prompt of ”this is just the beginning.
This was a video created in a little under 2 days at the 2024 STN convention in long beach. Luke Knight, Aston Smith, and I entered into the Convention Promo category, where we had from opening ceremonies to 5pm the next day to create a 90 second video promoting STN with the prompt: "This is just the beginning'. Over 18 hours of editing and several hours of filming paid off as we won second place. This video is one of few where I think it reflects my skill, and I am very happy with the result.
My second year at STN, I moved into the Nat Package category. Making a video only using interviews and nat sound, no reporter standups or voiceovers. Made in partnership with Luka Speciale this video was a bit rough. With a video that was a stretch for the prompt of 'the workers commute' we interviewed vendors at a farmers market but struggled to connect the interviews to the prompt. We also faced significant audio problems as we did not bring headphones to edit, so could not hear a lot of what was happening, leading to us accidentally leaving in me explaining what STN was to one of the vendors.
Made with Aidan Myers, Lukas Ginder, and Nick Perl, this video was my first video made at STN, and the first year in Long Beach. With some good shots we were right up on the deadline when it came to editing, but it just didn't cut it. With almost no story or narrative our video didn't come up to spec and we did not place.
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